Monday, October 9, 2017

October 9th, 2017 Connecting

October 9th, 2017 Connecting

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded today's water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

I had some special guests on my morning radio show today. Linda and Leon operate the American Red Cross Disaster Response crisis team. Actually, for our area--they are the team. They came on the show in hopes of attracting volunteers. Passion must play a role in what they do because often, they're responding to housefires at all hours of the night--and they do it without reservation or complaint. They both talked about how fulfilling it is to help someone. And then I asked why they give so much of themselves to this cause--and that's when Leon shared the story.

He was a young man, standing outside with nothing but the clothes on his back shortly after a large tornado destroyed his family's home. The tornado exploded the contents of their home to bits and scattering their lives into debri now falling from the sky. And there he stood, with nothing--shaken and suddenly uncertain of everything, when the Red Cross stepped up and offered the most critical of needs in those fresh moments after the storm. He knew right then and there that part of his life would be dedicated to giving back in the same way they gave to him after that Oklahoma tornado.

He's passionate about it and so is his wife and partner in their Red Cross Disaster Response efforts.

When we've been on the other side of something, it's an incredible blessing and gift to be able to, years later, reach back and help someone going through similar circumstances. It's a fulfilling, happy-heart, soul-cleansing kind of experience.

Having spent nearly twenty years, near, at, or above 500 pounds, nothing gets me more excited than witnessing someone else's transformation. It's not just the physical--in fact, that's the least of it. The transformation of perspective. The mental/emotional transformation--the coming alive, and living like never before, transformation--that's the stuff of passion. That's the good stuff.

When it comes to this transformation stuff, I can only practice mine. I don't know it all and I don't have all the answers. All I have is my experience, my example (the good, the not so good, the somewhere in between), and I have my willingness to share it in hopes that these things might meet someone else right where they are at just the right time, because maybe then, it might make a difference. And maybe it'll make a profound difference for them, the way it once made a profound difference for me.

Tonight was a good night. We had a great week 1 group support conference call followed by a powerful one on one session. I'm having a hard time getting sleepy because I'm still buzzing from how wonderful it was to hear the voices of fellow team members--empowered voices, creating plans and taking action toward their goals--and connecting; they're connecting, and that right there is a very powerful thing. We don't do this alone.

We still have room in our Tuesday group calls. This new session that started with tonight's group call, continues with tomorrow's week 1 Tuesday calls. Will you join our team? The video below was recorded today on a short break at work. It's not to late for you to join. If you're interested in more information, email me with questions:

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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