Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14th, 2017 Good Things

December 14th, 2017 Good Things

Today: Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

Too little sleep last night made for a day where staying connected, mindful, and aware become even bigger difference makers. When I'm tired, I'm vulnerable--pure and simple.

The lunch-time Christmas party I attended was wonderful. I stopped at the store for some tortilla chips (to go with my guacamole), grabbed a coffee and a couple other things to help complete my lunch. It's interesting--not one person noticed or mentioned my apple slices, even though it wasn't out on the table as one of the available foods. I also brought some tostada flats to use as a vehicle for the chicken and pork, instead of using the homemade rolls. I enjoyed a good on-plan lunch, a fantastic visit with other members of the arts and humanities board, and although I planned on leaving early, I stayed for the group picture at the end before heading back to the studio.

I left the studio late but considering I took a two-hour Christmas party lunch, it equaled out. And I was able to enjoy a decent nap.

I'm leaving work early tomorrow in order to take mom to the dentist. Mom's noontime appointment will likely end with us dining somewhere for lunch if she feels up to it after her filling.

I'm feeling well, grateful, and calm this evening. Those are good things.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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